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How it Works
Your credit can be fixed in months...NOT years
Home Owners

Our Credit Experts will coach you on the following:

  • How to build great credit

  • How to efficiently raise your credit score

  • How to responsibly use and maintain good credit

  • How to consistently increase and maintain a good credit score once it is established


How Does Credit Repair Work?

You have the right to dispute anything on your credit report that appears to be inaccurate, outdated, erroneous or unverifiable…that’s the law. All creditors are obligated to prove the information on your credit report is accurate and correct any and all violations of the law.

If a creditor is unable to perform under the strict guidelines of the law, they must remove the account from your credit report.


All Credit Reports Contain Violations, Including Yours

The United States government began writing laws to protect you from creditors and the credit bureaus beginning in the 1960’s. Today there are dozens of state and federal laws creditors and credit bureaus have a difficult time following.

An account such as a collection, charge off, tax lien, short sale, foreclosure, auto repossession, even a bankruptcy can contain dozens of violations making it inaccurate, outdated, erroneous, or unverifiable. In other words…illegal

We use these laws to legally and permanently remove items from your credit report.


What if the items on your credit report are Really yours?

Even derogatory events that belong to you must meet strict legal guidelines. Just because something is added to your credit report doesn’t mean it complies with the law. If the creditor can’t verify the account and correct the errors it’s on your account illegally.

Illegal items must be deleted - No if ands or buts


When our team of seasoned FICO Pros, paralegals and dispute processors examine your credit report we’ll identify the violations and create a detailed written dispute on your behalf.

To make it challenging for the creditor we’ll provide them with the specific state or federal law they’re violating, why they must remove the item, and the legal consequences established by case law if they don’t respond immediately.

Many of our clients see a significant improvement in their credit report and score within 90 to 180 days!
Your credit can be fixed in months...NOT years

We dispute all of your items at once. Nearly all credit repair companies charge an ongoing monthly fee even if they don’t delete a single item. They dispute only two or three items per month dragging your credit repair out for years to keep you paying. We don’t do that.

We Are 100% Paid on Performance   

No Monthly Credit Repair Fee

You pay only for the items we delete or repair! This is virtually unheard of in the credit repair industry where customers are charged ongoing monthly fees with no idea how much their repair will cost and when it will be finished.

High Success Rate

Our unique Paid On Performance system combined with disputing all
your items at once delivers two amazing results.


  • A 52% to 71% average deletion and repair rate which can be twice as high as our competitors.

  • Most clients are finished within 90 to 180 days.


We’ll conduct a free credit consultation and provide an estimate over the phone. If you don’t have a recent three bureau credit report we suggest going through Identity IQ. Identity IQ charges $1.00 for their 7 day trial. It pulls all three bureaus.

There’s a one time credit audit fee of $500 to create your account and dispute strategy.

  • We charge only for deleted and repaired items at $125 per item, per bureau for the first 25 deletions. After that the price drops to only $10 per deleted item.

  • We charge $25 per deleted inquiry up to $250

  • FREE name and address corrections

  • Must maintain an active three bureau credit monitoring service with Identity IQ, 

We’ll send an invoice every month for the items we’ve successfully deleted or repaired. Pay your invoices in full for a 10% discount or pay off your balance in installments of AS LITTLE AS $99 per MONTH until a zero balanced is reached. There is no interest charged for choosing the installment option.

Call us for a free credit repair consultation


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